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Tác Giả Meredith Costain

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ella diaries - diary disaster

Ella Diaries - Diary Disaster

Ella is soooooo excited about the school excursion to TURTLE ISLAND. She can’t wait to see BABY TURTLES hatching and she is all set to be the leader of a Special Mural-Making Committee. Ella has also taken elaborate steps to protect her SECRET DIARY from the PRYING EYES of Her Royal Pushiness, Precious Princess Peach Parker. But with Peach sharing Ella’s cabin, will her diary ever really be safe? Can Ella survive the perils of the SPOOKY ‘Island Graveyard’? And (most importantly) will she get to see those sweet little baby turtles?

olivia's secret scribbles 7 - music makers

Olivia's Secret Scribbles 7 - Music Makers

I have so many super-amazing and important things to write about! I’ll tell you all about them:

+ Our school had some musicians come and visit.

+ They played amazing music for us.

+ So now we want to make our own musical instruments and put on a show.

+ But somebody keeps breaking our instruments!

+ We need to find out who is doing it so we can perform the best music show ever!

8 minute stories for 8 year olds (with storyplus)

8 Minute Stories For 8 Year Olds (With Storyplus)

Monkeys causing MAYHEM, a RUDE and CRUDE parrot, a pack of POOING pigeons. PARTY-CRASHING turtles, a SPOOKY cave, the worlds WORST lemonade. a kung-fu SHARK-FIGHTING pirate, a SNOT DRAGON, a ONE-EYED builder, and much, much MORE in this collection of eight-minute stories!

7 minute stories for 7 year olds (with storyplus)

7 Minute Stories For 7 Year Olds (With Storyplus)

Ride on the back of Cuppy the dragon, fly with Vinnie on her broomstick and save the world along with Ari who likes to dress up as Batman. The stories in this book will take you on fantastic journeys you wouldn’t want to return from!

6 minute stories for 6 year olds (with storyplus)

6 Minute Stories For 6 Year Olds (With Storyplus)

An ice-cream-eating dinosaur, a big, bad smell, a lifesaving dog, zombies playing soccer, a ghost in the garden, pets who get lost and found again, trouble with losing a tooth, seven helpful robots, a knight-slaying dragon, and much, much more in this collection of six-minute stories.

bộ olivia's secret scribbles #1: my new best friend

Olivia's Secret Scribbles 1: My New Best Friend

I have lots of super-amazing and IMPORTANT things to write about! And I’ll tell you ALL about them:

- I’ve got a brand-new bedroom–yay!

- My best friend Lucy moved away last week and I really miss her

- I’m planning LOTS of cool inventions (I’m pretty sure some will work too!)

- Someone keeps sneaking in my room but I DON’T KNOW WHO!!!

- There’s a new girl at school called Matilda. She looks fun... but why does she act so mysterious all the time??? I’m going to get to the bottom of what’s going on!

ella diaries: dreams come true

Ella Diaries: Dreams Come True

Ella DREAMS of meeting popstar Cassi Valentine. She has all the songs and merchandise — even Bob has a Cassi Valentine bandana! But when the school enters a competition to win a visit from the star, Ella and her WORST ENEMY EVER Peach Parker have to work together.  Can they put aside their differences? The whole school is COUNTING on them!

ella diaries: friendship s.o.s

Ella Diaries: Friendship S.O.S

Ella is on holiday on a LUXURY cruise ship. It's going to be AMAZING- swimming pools, shopping mall, ice-skating... and NO school for a week! Best of all, Zoe is coming too! But when a friendship catastrophe strikes, Ella's perfect holiday looks doomed! Can she find a new CRUISE BFF? Or will this voyage be FUN OVERBOARD?

bộ olivia's secret scribbles #2: my (almost) perfect puppy

Olivia's Secret Scribbles 2: My (Almost) Perfect Puppy

I have a lot of great and important things to write! I'll tell you everything about them: my dog, Bob, is friendly and lovely. He is (almost) a perfect puppy. Sometimes he plays pranks. (he likes chewing!) especially dad's slippers. Then he buried them in the garden! Bob, eat, eat, eat! He even stole snacks from the table. (but I don't mind when he eats my broccoli!) Hey! I have to find a way to keep Bob out of trouble!

bộ olivia's secret scribbles #3: amazing acrobats!

Olivia's Secret Scribbles 3: Amazing Acrobats!

I have so many super-amazing and IMPORTANT things to write about! Iâll tell you all about them:

- Everyone at school is doing super-amazing tricks on the play equipment

- We are going to perform an UNBELIEVABLE acrobat show

- An awesome Circus Skills Workshop has come to town! They will teach us wild gymnastics tricks

- But thereâs something wrong with my BFF Matilda. Why doesnât she want to do the trapeze with me?

- And how will we do our acrobat show if Matilda doesnât want to be in it?

ella diaries: i heart pets

Ella Diaries: I Heart Pets

Ella and Zoe start their own dog walking business. When their only job turns out to be minding a lizard - and then Sneaky Peach Parker starts behaving Very Suspiciously - Ella starts to wonder what's up. Zoe and Ella must go Undercover! With their detective notebooks in hand, can Ella and Zoe discover the Terrible Truth?

ella diaries: friends not forever

Ella Diaries: Friends Not Forever

It’s Ella’s big chance for a STARRING role in this year’s school play. But while Peach Parker is busy trying to stop Ella from succeeding, Zoe ends up winning the prize part. Zoe spends all her time rehearsing with the new girl, Amethyst, so Ella tells her to go be HER new BFF! Oh no! Will Ella and Zoe patch up their FRIENDSHIP in time to save the play?

ella diaries: worst camp ever

Ella Diaries: Worst Camp Ever

Ellas arrived at school camp and she cant wait for the FUN to begin! But then she discovers there are spooky noises outside every night, hair-raising camp activities to do, PLUS she has to share a cabin with scheming Peach Parker. How will Ella manage to avoid Peachs pranks AND the petrifying Giant Swing for a WHOLE week? This is going to be the worst camp EVER!

bộ olivia's secret scribbles #5: the big chicken mystery

Olivia's Secret Scribbles 5: The Big Chicken Mystery

Our school chickens need a new home! I made some plans for the best chicken house so they can live with me. But when the chickens came home with me and my friends, their eggs seem to disappear. We have to solve the mystery of the missing chicken eggs. I'm going to get tot the bottom of this chicken mystery!

ella diaries: going green

Ella Diaries: Going Green

Ella's school is going green! And there's going to be an ELECTION to choose a Planet Protector CAPTAIN. Being captain is Ella's dream: she'll be in charge of all the cool projects AND get to wear a sparkly uniform! But sneaky Peach Parker wants to be Captain too, and will stop at nothing to GET MORE VOTES. Will Ella get the TOP JOB, or will Peach rule the school once again?

bộ olivia's secret scribbles #6: box car racers

Olivia's Secret Scribbles 6: Box Car Racers

 I have so many super-amazing and IMPORTANT things to write about! Ill tell you all about them: * Its Recycling Week at school!!! * Matilda and I have made box cars. * Our idea is so super-amazing that our whole class is going to make box cars so we can have a race!!! * But why hasnt Bethany made a box car? And why is she acting so sad? Sounds like she might need my help. Matilda and Olivia to the rescue!

ella diaries: ballet backflip

Ella Diaries: Ballet Backflip

Ella dreams of dancing, but she also wants to be taken seriously. She s in Year 5 after all! When her dreams of being the lead in the ballet recital are dashed, she starts to wonder if it might be fun to try something new. But when MEAN QUEEN PEACH takes up gymnastics and executes an AMAZING backflip in the playground, the school is taken over by the new craze. Will Ella backflip on her love of ballet? Can she bear to go along with Peach and her traitorous BFF Zoe? Leap beside Ella as her secret thoughts uncover the truth about friendship and trying new things.

ella diaries: double dare you

Ella Diaries: Double Dare You

It's a new school year, and it's perfect. Until class starts that is, and EVERYTHING goes wrong. Ella can't believe that her absolutely WORST ENEMY EVER, Peach, is sitting next to her! No matter how far Ella moves her new pencil case across the desk, Peach is IN HER SPACE. Where's her BFF Zoe? How can this year get ANY WORSE?


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